
Showing posts from December, 2023

Social Media Etiquette Project


Social Media Etiquette

 Social media has its pros and cons for all of their users. Some of the pros can include being able to share your life, such as trips, fancy outings, and sports events. It also allows users to connect with long lost friends, family and friends that live a distance away, and catching up on events you may have missed. Some cons of social media include allowing others to keep track of where you are and what you are doing. Many people can get stalked on social media as it is a place to learn information about others. Another issue in social media that not many are aware of is that the apps track your location, allowing other users to know exactly where you are.  Social media etiquette to me, is just being aware of what you are posting because someone can always be watching. It is a very dangerous world we live in and there is always someone with the wrong intentions waiting for the right opportunity to act out. Some advice that has been given about social media is to post where you were no

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