Chapter 4


            Building relationships is extremely important in any career or business. A healthy relationship leads to trust, friendship, and respect. "Fostering, nurturing, and maintaining positive, congenial relationships is the first step toward building collaborative cultures," (p. 59) These relationships can help boost your business and improve relationships with those who are not aware of the business. It is important to care about other people's needs and interests when in your career. As the book states we need to "put people's needs at the forefront," with a future career in criminal justice, the people matter. 

            Being in criminal justice we have to respect people and earn their trust if we want them to open up to us. There can be multiple reasons a police officer needs to build trust such as- police and community relations helps lower crime rates, police need a victims' statement about a crime that took place, or the police are looking for a witness to come forward. If we cannot build trust within the community, there will not be a good flowing collaboration with the police and the public. The public also needs to feel as though their voices are being heard. If someone is constantly standing up for a certain cause but nothing is being done about it that can deter others from listing their opinions about other important topics. The stronger the relationship and bond the more likely they will call when they are in trouble and trust us to get the job done in a positive manner. 

            In this day and age, the police and public relations aren't the strongest due to negative videos and actions done by police and done to the police. There has been a loss of trust from the people for the police. If we want to fix this problem, we need to work on better community outreach from the police and the community. Once this is repaired the collaboration can be very helpful for both parties. Do you trust the police officers in your neighborhood? What is one way law enforcement can help build relationships with the public?


  1. I agree that the media has been portraying this profession as people we cannot trust, so I think its so important for our generation to rebuild that reputation. Even though I am not a criminology major I think its so important for everyone pursuing it to make sure we get society to trust you again to be able to serve and protect. I also liked your point about the society being heard, thats an important aspect to get others to trust the police and other people in similar fields. Its really nice to read your points connecting to your profession!

  2. I am in Criminal Justice as well, and believe that the relationship with the community and its people as a whole and on an individual basis is important and detrimental to the outcome of how the community views and respects the police, calls or incidents, and more. Police and community relations is something that the curriculum is adamant of focusing for the upcoming officers and law enforcement degree students to understand and learn because of all the examples of inequality the world has undergone. 

  3. I feel like this shows something more then just the bad side of those who bring justice to our communities. I feel like after a lot of things that have happened the pass years, a lot of people see police force as horrible people or as people who just kill without protecting us. It changes how people see police or anyone who helps to bring justice.

  4. It's inspiring how you are interested in looking into ways to change people's outlook on the way they view the police force, as trust is a big factor that comes into play when you work in a field that involves working with clients in either dangerous and/or dire situations in general. In regards to my profession, even if I find a remote job in my field, I wouldn't be working hands-on with many people so I cannot relate on that end. One thing I can find in common would be that I'll need to strengthen my communication skills in order to work efficiently with colleagues in that way.


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