Chapter 6

 Chapter 6

    Having a personal learning network is very important for a business in society today. We can easily find valuable information by looking up a business or person online, and we want to make sure that the best information comes up. This chapter emphasizes how to build your digital profile with a company, business, or even a personal profile that is available to employers. "Knowledge, learning, and innovation can be managed within virtual networks and communities and then leveraged to amplify learning for all," (Nussbaum-Beach & Hall, 92). These connections are important for making a name for a person's business or to maintain a positive and formal profile. 

    Working in a retail store, I know it is important to post our sales and new items we received. My business had to create an Instagram which was perfect as most of our customers were middle and high school students. It is important which platforms we chose to reach out to a certain audience. The book refers to vetting your audience, choosing carefully who you follow and who you are trying to reach out to on your digital account. For my job, Instagram was perfect as many kids are on it these days as well as parents, which means we were able to connect with our intended group of customers as well as more people. "Sheryl, believes the larger the network the better," (Nussbaum-Beach & Hall, 95). 

    This chapter also emphasizes co-creating content. There have been plenty of times other businesses ask to post a flyer in our window to reach our customers, who can also be their intended audience. I think this is very important for businesses as they can collaborate with a business and share content that can reach even more potential customers.

    The four L's is something that stood out to me in this chapter. I believe they all play a major role in reaching your intended target and help in making strong connection with customers and potential customers. The first one is linking, which refers to the audience frequently visiting and keeping links for further use. Next is lurking, which I personally feel as though many people participate the most in. Lurking is participants that view and watch from the sideline as the book states it. These are people who may not always be physically active but like the content enough to keep coming back and checking. The third L is the learning aspect. These are people who constantly participate in what the business or website has to offer and take away as much information as they gain. This can be helpful as feedback and positive or negative criticism are necessary. Lastly is leading, which means that the creators are taking the time to be a part of the community. Interactions are important if a business or website wants to be successful. 

First as a student athlete I know what I can and cannot post on my online profiles. It is important to maintain a positive social media as it is out there for everyone to see. Although I am 21, I do not like to post with alcohol as it can send the wrong message to viewers. I have to keep this is mind as my coach follows me and anyone from another school or team can view my account. There have been plenty of cases of college and even high school athletes getting in trouble for posting the wrong things online. 

Some may think that being involved in criminal justice means that we cannot have an active social media account as everything is being traced. Believe it or not, many police departments have social media accounts as it is a way to get information out to the public quickly. I know my hometown police department has a Facebook page and a Twitter account. On these platforms they post construction backups, suspects they are looking for, missing people, as well as town events they will be attending. With all the craziness in the world it is good and uplifting to see them posting about positive things as well.


  1. Hi Dani! It's very important that you noted the retail store you work at has an Instagram page where you post what you sell and use it to grow your business. I think it is really important for places to have social media pages to promote what they sell and gain buyers.

  2. I find it very interesting how you relate this chapter back to you working in a retail store and the significance of connecting with others. Knowing how you can use social media to engage an audience and consumers within a business is very important. Do you think this helped overall sales in the place in which you worked retail? The four L’s is something that had also stood out to be throughout this chapter and I agree with you that it is a concept that is very important.

  3. Hi, after reading, I like how you sort out all the information that we read in chapter 6. As well as you compared it to you in working in a retail store. Because since social media is being used a lot in the retail stores and it helps improve more money and more customers.

  4. I think what you said about being aware of what you are posting is really important. What you post to the internet is permanent and if you post something that you wouldn't want a future employer to see, then you should probably not post that.


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