Good vs Bad Websites

             The websites I chose for my app smackdown were Amazon and Temu. Both of these sites are known for having a wide variety of products for their customers to choose from. I chose Amazon to represent a good website and Temu to represent a bad website. There are major differences between these two sites as proof of which one is good, and which one is bad. For starters the customer ratings for Amazon is 4.3 out of 5 stars with 82% of their customers rating the website 4 stars or more. Temu has an average rating of 2 out of 5 stars. This is one example of the dramatic differences between the two websites and how satisfied their customers are with their experience dealing with the websites. The second thing that stood out to me that exemplified the reality of these websites was that Temu has not been verified by the Better Business Bureau. Temu has gained recognition because of their extremely low prices, but most customers don't realize that they are getting what they are paying for. This website has a lot of negative comments and reviews surrounding it, as well as open investigations. Amazon on the other hand is a very trustworthy website that is surrounded by more positive reviews than negative. 


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