
Showing posts from October, 2023

Chapter 4

                Building relationships is extremely important in any career or business. A healthy relationship leads to trust, friendship, and respect. "Fostering, nurturing, and maintaining positive, congenial relationships is the first step toward building collaborative cultures," (p. 59) These relationships can help boost your business and improve relationships with those who are not aware of the business. It is important to care about other people's needs and interests when in your career. As the book states we need to "put people's needs at the forefront," with a future career in criminal justice, the people matter.                Being in criminal justice we have to respect people and earn their trust if we want them to open up to us. There can be multiple reasons a police officer needs to build trust such as- police and community relations helps lower crime rates, police need a victims' statement about a crime that took place, or the police are l


      Zoom is a very helpful tool meant to help people connect in a professional manner from different locations. This video chat was a vital part of continuing my education during the pandemic. My whole class could login, despite being in different locations and even states, and watch a lecture from our professor. Companies even went as far as having job interviews on zoom instead of having people come in. Although, for the most part the hardest part of covid has passed, people are still relying on zoom to help them stay connected with friends, family, teachers, and potential employers.      Zoom offered so much more than educational purposes for me and my family though. As my grandmother was one of 9 children, who have all moved around the country with family it can be hard to see them all the time. Zoom allowed my family to connect with our aunts and uncles while keeping a safe distance from them, and even after covid just gives us the resources to stay in touch. This virtual confer

Chapter 5

      This chapter emphasizes using social tools to help support connected learning. It mentions various websites that exemplify the type of connected learning. "Our focus should always be on what we can do with the tool. Tools should be used to serve the learning,"  (Nussbaum-Beach & Hall, 73). Although the book mentions tools that I am familiar with, such as Twitter and Podcasts, there were also interesting tools that I have not heard of or used before. These tools are ways for the educator to connect to students or people with interests in the topic. Podcasts are one of my favorites, as it is an informational learning tool through audio and video. "Learning comes through all forms of communication, not just the written word," (Nussbaum-Beach & Hall, 80) This is a smart tool as some people cannot always understand something from reading it, they do better listening.      Social networking is also important when it comes to building an online profile, it he

Chapter 6

  Chapter 6     Having a personal learning network is very important for a business in society today. We can easily find valuable information by looking up a business or person online, and we want to make sure that the best information comes up. This chapter emphasizes how to build your digital profile with a company, business, or even a personal profile that is available to employers. "Knowledge, learning, and innovation can be managed within virtual networks and communities and then leveraged to amplify learning for all," (Nussbaum-Beach & Hall, 92). These connections are important for making a name for a person's business or to maintain a positive and formal profile.      Working in a retail store, I know it is important to post our sales and new items we received. My business had to create an Instagram which was perfect as most of our customers were middle and high school students. It is important which platforms we chose to reach out to a certain audience. The bo


      PowerPoint is a Microsoft tool used for a wide variety of reasons. Children in school use the creative tool to create projects and presentations, as well as businessmen creating presentations to present to the board about new ideas for the company. PowerPoint allows people to make presentations with pictures, links, charts, videos, diagrams, bullet points, music and so much more. For this project I even used the voice over recording for the first time. Even after so many years, it still allows so many choices to make your presentation even better and more attractive to readers.     Many companies do continue using PowerPoint today. It is a great tool that can be used in a wide range of careers. As I am not completely set on one career there are multiple purposes PowerPoint can serve in the criminal justice field. One example would be a police officer giving a  presentation about a suspect they are chasing. This presentation can include information about the suspect, family, and k